PIC18F SD WAV Audio Player
As inspired by Simple SD Audio Player by ChaN, this project uses Microchip's PIC18F2550 to read RIFF WAVE files, and display some file information on the N6610 LCD; And then it will play the audio itself through PIC's PWM with a simple RC filter on the output pin. The hardware actually comes from my previous project, and I just attached a ready-made audio amp (w/ speaker) for the demo.
Due to PIC's peripheral limitations, I only set the PWM frequency to 187.5kHz and not the 250kHz carrier frequency originally used by ChaN, because it's the maximum PWM frequency than can still get an 8-bit resolution of the duty cycles (=48MHz/256). It is also possible to use R-2R ladder in stead of (low-pass) filtering the PWM output since there still enough unused digital output pins for this approach.
On the software part, I wasn't able to make a good data buffering as good as what ChaN did. It's noticeable with WAVE files with higher bit-rates (=SampleRate*NumChannels*BitsPerSample). Nevertheless, it can still support up to 48kHz sampling rate, but with only Mono channel and 8-bits/sample resolution.
demo video:
Source code(PICC-18) with and without LCD: PIC18 SD WAV Audio Player
My on-going project: currently porting the code to STM32F103RB for additional features.
Some useful software (shareware) tools:
TextAloud - Text to Speech software
Switch Sound File Converter-multi format audio file converters


Due to PIC's peripheral limitations, I only set the PWM frequency to 187.5kHz and not the 250kHz carrier frequency originally used by ChaN, because it's the maximum PWM frequency than can still get an 8-bit resolution of the duty cycles (=48MHz/256). It is also possible to use R-2R ladder in stead of (low-pass) filtering the PWM output since there still enough unused digital output pins for this approach.
On the software part, I wasn't able to make a good data buffering as good as what ChaN did. It's noticeable with WAVE files with higher bit-rates (=SampleRate*NumChannels*BitsPerSample). Nevertheless, it can still support up to 48kHz sampling rate, but with only Mono channel and 8-bits/sample resolution.
demo video:
Source code(PICC-18) with and without LCD: PIC18 SD WAV Audio Player
My on-going project: currently porting the code to STM32F103RB for additional features.
Some useful software (shareware) tools:
TextAloud - Text to Speech software
Switch Sound File Converter-multi format audio file converters