Sitemize Hoşgeldiniz sitemizin kuruluş sebebi Eğitim Öğretim Bilgilendirme amaçlıdır Site içerik ve kaynalar Çeşitli Web Sitelerinden Derlenmişolup Teylif Hakları Çerçevesinde Korunuyor Olabilir Şayet bugibi durumlarda lütfen Site Yönetimiyle İrtibata geçiniz Saygılar Hikmet TURNA


Bu aralar üzerinde çalıştığım bir rf projesi için teknik bilgiler ararken UDEA tarafından hazırlanmış türkçe dokümanlara ulaştım. İlk dokümanda bir rf modülün uygulamada nasıl kullanılması gerektiği en ince noktalara kadar anlatılmış. Sizlerinde rf uygulamalarınızda pcb konusunda işinize yarayacaktır. Anten uygulamaları ile ilgili olarakta diğer dokümanda oldukça faydalı olacak bilgiler var.

Instead of drawing only the edges of a polyhedron, this time we draw the faces and 'fill' it with corresponding colors. This demo now uses a dsPIC (16-bit and 40MIPS core) for "faster" and "smoother" graphics in the N6610/N6100 LCD (w/ pcf8833 controller). See "lcd6610.h" for the used pinouts.

There are several ways of "hidden surface removal". The easiest way, and most appropriate for drawing convex polyhedron is the use of Backface culling. "Backface" will determine whether a surface (e.g. triangular face) is need to be drawn or not.


Draw3D routine:

triangle color-fill routine:

(*another version of using dsPIC hardware multiplier/divider is included in the download)

detect whether a triangle is facing backward.

Complete MPLAB+C30 project (dsPIC33FJ16GS504):

Nokia 6610/6100 LCD 3D projections demo using Microchip's PIC18F25J11.
PIC18F25J11 is clocked at 12MHz external oscillator with 4xPLL enabled.
It's operated at 3.3V supply, same with the LCD (and so, direct connections and higher spi clock rates are possible).

The demo is all about simple 3D projection - no rendering, no raycasting, etc., just the plotting of edges/lines. It displays common polyhedrons like tetrahedron, hexahedron(cube), octahedron, square pyramid, and triangular prism.


*based on original sources:

Nokia 6100 LCD with CCS C

3D Vector objects in C using the PIC micro

Microchip C18 project:

Pic18f2550 ile oldukça ilginç uygulamalar yapılabiliyor. Bu projede sd mmc karta yüklü wav dosyaları pic18f2550 işe okunmuş. Pic18f2550 çıkışına bağlanan bir hoparlör ilede ses sinyalleri verilmiş. Sesi oldukça net, ses kayıt entegreleriyle uğraşmak istemeyenler için ideal bir çözüm olabilir. Aşağıdaki linkten gerekli dosyları (hex, kaynak kodu devre şeması) indirebilirsiniz. Kaynak site burada.

Daha önce ilginç saatler başlıklı bir yazı yayınlamıştım, bu uygulamada devamı sayılır. Bir osiloskobun girişlerine gönderilen siyaller ile saat tasarlanmış. Aşağıdaki linkten uygulama dosyalarını indirebilirsiniz. Kaynak site burada.pic osiloskop saaat devresi dosyalar downloaddevre şeması:Osiloskop saat videosu:

mikro C kaynak kodu:micro c programı sayfası, 900 kelimeye kadar ücretsiz

Yine Mersin Üniversitesinde otomatik kontrol sistemleri hakkında hazırlanmış bir dokümanı sizlere aktarıyorum. Ayrıca blok diyagramları elemanları ve indirgeme yöntemlerindende bahsedilmiş.Hazırlayan Yılmaz Kaya.kontrol sistemleri downloadDoküman içeriği:OTOMATİK KONTROL SİSTEMLERİSEVRO – SENKRO MEKANİZMALARSistemKontrol sistemiGirişÇıkışKONTROL SİSTEMİNİN TÜRLERİ1) Açık çevirim kontrol sistemi2)

Bilgisayar veya elektronik kit devrelerle şebekeye bağlı yüksek akım çeken yüklerin kontrol ve izolesinde kulanılabilecek basit bir devre. MOC3020 opto kuplör (optik) malzeme ile izole yapılmış ve triyak gate akımı sağlanmış. Aşağıdaki linkten uygulama dosyalarını indirebilirsiniz. elektronik röle dosyalar downloaddevre şeması:malzeme yerleşimi:

Proteus VSM models for some Nokia LCDs

LCD controllers used:

PCF8833    - Nokia 6100/6610/6610i

S1D15G14 - Nokia 3530/3510i/3595

PCF8814    - Nokia 1100

Download: Nokia LCDs - Proteus VSM

(MODELS + LIBRARY + some demos)

* just copy the files to their corresponding folder







    - N6610LCD model (&symbol) was updated based on the datasheet of PCF8833 alone,

        but the result was different from expected. =(

        again, this model still have lots of problems!

    - found a bug on the N3530LCD model (PASET & CASET commands affected),

        corrected model will be uploaded soon.

    - I apologize for I cannot upload the source codes (msvc++ 2008) for these projects.

        ( Proteus ISIS itself is NOT free. VSM SDK, I assume, is also not open-source).

        ask for code snippets here: "Creating Proteus Models" ,instead.

This is an exceptionally well designed amplifier, with a lot of power reserve, high fidelity, low distortion, good S/N ratio, high sensitivity, low consumption and full protection. Having all these almost ideal characteristics this amplifier is likely to become the basic building block of your future high fidelity system, or it can also become the element that will upgrade your existing system.

How it Works

The circuit works from a symmetrical ñ 40 VDC power supply and draws a maximum current of 2.6 A. The input circuit of the amplifier is a differential amplifier built around Q4 and Q5 that employ DC feedback thus preventing any DC voltage from appearing across the speaker with the usual destructive results. Q11 acts as a current source and ensures that the input stage draws a constant current of 1 mA.

The signal which appears as a voltage drop across the resistor connected in series with the collector of Q4 is used to drive the DARLINGTON pair Q3, Q2 which together with the constant current source of 7 mA that is Q10, form the driver stage. This stage operates in class A and is driving the complementary output stage Q1, Q9. The transistor Q7 is used to balance the circuit at different temperatures and must be mounted on the heatsink between the out put transistors. The feedback loop which consists of R8, R9, C2, C3 provides AC stability to the circuit. The circuit also incorporates a protection stage that makes it virtually indestructible. This protection circuit is built around Q6, Q8. If for whatever reason the output remains connected on one supply rail and the common the output is also protected from high DC voltages that could burn the speakers. The supply rails should be protected by 2 A fuses for the 8 ohm version and 3 A for the 4 ohm.

Technical Specifications - Characteristics

Output power (f=1 KHz, d=0.5 %): 100 W in 8 ohm
Supply voltage: ................  40 V
Quiescent current: ............. 50 mA
Maximum current: ............... 2.6 A
Sensitivity: . 600 mV
Frequency response: ............ 10-35000 Hz (-1 dB)
Distortion HD: ................. 0.01 %
Intermodulation dist.: ......... 0.02 %
Signal/noise: 83 dBConstruction


To cater for those who wish to use 4 ohm speakers with this amplifier the Kit includes the necessary components for both versions. The components that differ are R3,4,17 and 23. If you build the 8 ohm version then you must also include in the circuit R28 and D7, D8 which are not used in the 4 ohm version. As you see all the components are already marked on the component side of the p.c. board.

The construction is made this way much simpler. Start the construction from the pins and the jumper connections, continue with the resistors and the capacitors and last solder in place the semiconductors. Check each resistor before soldering it, to see if its colours match those in the component list. Be careful with the electrolytic capacitors because their polarity should be respected. The polarity of those capacitors is marked on their bodies and on the component side of the p.c. board.

NOTE: On the p.c. board next to R2, R16 are marked two other resistors which do not appear in the circuit diagram but are included in the components. They are of 1 ohm 2 W (brown, black, gold) and must be included in the circuit. Take care when you are soldering the semiconductors because if you overheat them they can be damaged.

The output transistors should be mounted on the heatsink that is included in the kit. Take care not to short circuit them with the heatsink and we recommend that you use some HTC between the transistor body and the sink in order to improve heat dissipation. Follow the diagram for the mounting of the power transistors as it shows clearly how to insert the insulators and the screws. Q7 should be made to touch the heatsink and is a good idea to use a bit of HTC between its casing and the surface of the heatsink.

When you finish the construction of your project clean the board thoroughly with a solvent to remove all flux residues and make a careful visual inspection to make sure there are no mistakes, components missing and short circuits across adjacent tracks on the board. If everything is OK you can make the following connections: Input: 3 (signal), 5 (common) Output: 7 (signal), 6 (common) Supply: 1 (-40 VDC), 2 (+40 VDC) 5 (0 VDC)

Connect a milliammeter in series with the power supply, short the input of the amplifier, turn the power ON and adjust the trimmer P1 so that the quiescent current is about 50 mA. When you finish this adjustment remove the shunt from the input and connect the output of a preamplifier to it. Connect the pre amplifier to a suitable source and turn everything ON.

The signal should be heard from the speakers clear and undistorted. First of all let us consider a few basics in building electronic circuits on a printed circuit board. The board is made of a thin insulating

material clad with a thin layer of conductive copper that is shaped in such a way as to form the necessary conductors between the various components of the circuit. The use of a properly designed printed circuit board is very desirable as it speeds construction up considerably and reduces the possibility of making errors. Smart Kit boards also come pre-drilled and with the outline of the components and their identification printed on the component side to make construction easier. To protect the board during storage from oxidation and assure it gets to you in perfect condition the copper is tinned during manufacturing and covered with a special varnish that protects it from getting oxidised and makes soldering easier. Soldering the components to the board is the only way to build your circuit and from the way you do it depends greatly your success or failure. This work is not very difficult and if you stick to a few rules you should have no problems. The soldering iron that you use must be light and its power should not exceed the 25 Watts. The tip should be fine and must be kept clean at all times. For this purpose come very handy specially made sponges that are kept wet and from time to time you can wipe the hot tip on them to remove all the residues that tend to accumulate on it.
 DO NOT file or sandpaper a dirty or worn out tip. If the tip cannot be cleaned, replace it. There are many different types of solder in the market and you should choose a good quality one that contains the necessary flux in its core, to assure a perfect joint every time.
DO NOT use soldering flux apart from that which is already included in your solder. Too much flux can cause many problems and is one of the main causes of circuit malfunction. If nevertheless you have to use extra flux, as it is the case when you have to tin copper wires, clean it very thoroughly after you finish your work. In order to solder a component correctly you should do the following:

  • Clean the component leads with a small piece of emery paper. - Bend them at the correct distance from the component body and insert the component in its place on the board.

  • You may find sometimes a component with heavier gauge leads than usual, that are too thick to enter in the holes of the p.c. board. In this case use a mini drill to enlarge the holes slightly. Do not make the holes too large as this is going to make soldering difficult afterwards.

  • Take the hot iron and place its tip on the component lead while holding the end of the solder wire at the point where the lead emerges from the board. The iron tip must touch the lead slightly above the p.c. board.

  • When the solder starts to melt and flow, wait till it covers evenly the area around the hole and the flux boils and gets out from underneath the solder. The whole operation should not take more than 5 seconds. Remove the iron and leave the solder to cool naturally without blowing on it or moving the component. If everything was done properly the surface of the joint must have a bright metallic finish and its edges should be smoothly ended on the component lead and the board track. If the solder looks dull, cracked, or has the shape of a blob then you have made a dry joint and you should remove the solder (with a pump, or a solder wick) and redo it.

  • Take care not to overheat the tracks as it is very easy to lift them from the board and break them.

  • When you are soldering a sensitive component it is good practice to hold the lead from the component side of the board with a pair of long-nose pliers to divert any heat that could possibly damage the component.

  • Make sure that you do not use more solder than it is necessary as you are running the risk of short-circuiting adjacent tracks on the board, especially if they are very close together.

  • When you finish your work cut off the excess of the component leads and clean the board thoroughly with a suitable solvent to remove all flux residues that still remain on it.

If it does not work

Check your work for possible dry joints, bridges across adjacent tracks or soldering flux residues that usually cause problems. Check again all the external connections to and from the circuit to see if there is a mistake there.

  • See that there are no components missing or inserted in the wrong places.

  • Make sure that all the polarised components have been soldered the right way round. - Make sure the supply has the correct voltage and is connected the right way round to your circuit.

  • Check your project for faulty or damaged components. If everything checks and your project still fails to work, please contact your retailer and the Smart Kit Service will repair it for you.

L1 : 10 turns with wire 0,5mm turned on a restistor of 1W

If you use a 4Ohm speaker you will place R3,4,17,23 at the board.

If you use a 8Ohm speaker you will place D7 D8 and R28.

For R2 and R16 if you don't find a 0,47Ohm place two of 1 Ohm parallel.

R16 must be 0,47Ohm...the 1Ohm must be a typographical error, take care of this, i haven't tested it.


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